Performance Attire
EMS Choir students are required to attend multiple performances and events throughout the school year. Students should wear the Standard Curricular Choir Performance Attire to every EMs Choir event unless otherwise instructed. The standard Curricular Choir attire is as follows...
EMS Choir shirt - provided to students
Solid black bottoms - black dress pants, jeans, leggings, or skirts (longer is better)
Black shoes of any type (Heels must be less than 2” high.)
Black belt
Black socks
The Boosters will assist any student who needs help obtaining appropriate clothing for performances. Talk to Mr. G or Sally if you need assistance! Please do so well before the first performance date. We will need time to find shoes, pants, skirts, etc.
Concert Flare/Costumes
On occasion, students may be encouraged to wear additional accessories/flare and/or entire costumes to a EMS choir concert. Guidelines for performance attire/costumes will be provided to families at least two weeks before the concert.
EMS Choir Shirts
EMS Choir shirts are distributed to new students at the beginning of each school year. These shirts are purchased for the students by the Boosters, and they are yours to keep. Students should continue wearing their shirt as long as it fits. Please hold onto your choir shirt over the summer! If it still fits in the fall, you can continue using it the next year. If you outgrow or lose your shirt, please ask for a new one.
EMS Choir shirts are also available for parent chaperones and active members of the EMS Choir Boosters. We try to order extra shirts in all sizes at the beginning of the school year, so let us know if you plan to help at choir events throughout the year.
**Please let us know if your student needs a new EMS Choir shirt in a different size!**
EMS Choir shirt - provided to students
Solid black bottoms - black dress pants, jeans, leggings, or skirts (longer is better)
Black shoes of any type (Heels must be less than 2” high.)
Black belt
Black socks
The Boosters will assist any student who needs help obtaining appropriate clothing for performances. Talk to Mr. G or Sally if you need assistance! Please do so well before the first performance date. We will need time to find shoes, pants, skirts, etc.
Concert Flare/Costumes
On occasion, students may be encouraged to wear additional accessories/flare and/or entire costumes to a EMS choir concert. Guidelines for performance attire/costumes will be provided to families at least two weeks before the concert.
EMS Choir Shirts
EMS Choir shirts are distributed to new students at the beginning of each school year. These shirts are purchased for the students by the Boosters, and they are yours to keep. Students should continue wearing their shirt as long as it fits. Please hold onto your choir shirt over the summer! If it still fits in the fall, you can continue using it the next year. If you outgrow or lose your shirt, please ask for a new one.
EMS Choir shirts are also available for parent chaperones and active members of the EMS Choir Boosters. We try to order extra shirts in all sizes at the beginning of the school year, so let us know if you plan to help at choir events throughout the year.
**Please let us know if your student needs a new EMS Choir shirt in a different size!**